Welcome to Crown Medical, having selected Crown Medical to treat your varicose veins makes us very proud . You have selected an institution with more than 30 years experience in the treatment of varicose veins. and ONLY VARICOSE VEINS
An Institution, that has the most advanced medical technology available for this type of treatment , a center that since its’ inception dedicates exclusively to the treatment of varicose veins, like no other.
Instructions Before Therapy
- Bring and/or wear a pair of shorts.
- Do not apply creams or lotions on the skin before sclerotherapy
- Avoid tanning which limits the visibility of varicose veins
- Before your appointment wash your legs with anti-bacterial soap
- Do not shave before sclerotherapy so to avoid burning sensation.
- The doctor may sometimes recommended a weight control plan before choosing treatment.
- One hour before the procedure, have a light meal or snack in order to prevent vagal symptoms
Instructions After Therapy
- If you have brusing you could apply Arnica to speed up the healing process.
- Wear your compression stockings and/or bandages.
- Use triple antibiotic if you feel a hot sensations or a see something like a mosquito bite.
- Walk for at least 20 minutes a day.
- Do not take a shower with hot water the day after the therapy.
Varicose veins are caused by venous insufficiency as a result the valve reflux incompetence. The Venous insufficiency results in dilated, tortuous, superficial vessels that protrude from the skin of the lower extremities.
Sclerotherapy is a common varicose vein treatment. Done at an early stage, can eliminate the primary and secondary sources of reflux, reduce the reoccurrence of varicosity and prevent further complications.
that will help your treatment be Fast and Successful
- Follow instructions given by the doctor
- Assist regularly to your therapy
- Fill in the quality control
- Inform us of any changes or conditions
Consistency Makes a Winner!
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more information at:
Here are some instructions
If for any reason you wish to call us please do so our Phone is (305) 740-4444.
These question and answer are the most common one if your question is not here please contact us so that we may help
More Information on the treatment of Varicose Veins