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6785 Bird Road, Miami fl 33155
Call us Today Phone (305) 740 - 4444
We offer the most advanced sclerotherapy treatment for the removal of spider veins and varicose veins. During your first FREE consultation we will conduct a comprehensive study of you vascular lower extremities.
The Computerized medical evaluation
combines variables to provide estimate on length and type of treatment which will be best for you.
- Diameter of the Varicosities
- Color and Tone of Your Skin
Sclerotherapy is a common treatment for small (spider veins) and medium size (reticular) veins.
- Inject the veins with a solution (called a sclersant)
- Solution irritates the lining of the vein.
- The veins collapse and are reabsorbed.
- The surface veins are no longer visible.
- Done at an early stage, helping to prevent further complications.
Sclerotherapy is an out patient procedure. Generally, resume normal activities after therapy.
Results Obtained in Crown Medical
Complications From Untreated Varicose Veins
Did you know? If unattended, varicose veins could have serious medical problems, like ulcerations, venous dermatitis, and hyperpigmentation.
The Experience you can trust.
South Miami 6785 S.W. 40st Miami, Fl. 33155 I Phone: (305) 740-4444
6785 SW Bird Rd
Miami, Fl. 33155
Phone: (305) 740-4444